Con Nexus, sus aplicaciones más utilizadas son sólo un clic de distancia – y Nexus vuelve a trabajar con su ordenador en una experiencia divertida
Potentes opciones de manipulación de muelle (Nexus Ultimate) Crear diques de pestañas plataforma existente, separar sub-muelles, diques a su vez en sub-muelles, diques duplicar, borrar muelles – todo esto con sólo arrastrar y soltar y / o opciones del menú contextual. Plataforma / Dock con pestañas (Nexus Ultimate) No sólo ser capaz de mantener los accesos directos arrastrado a ello, la Plataforma Winstep también es capaz de mostrar el contenido de las carpetas de shell especiales, tales como el Escritorio, Mi PC, Panel de control, documentos recientes, y así sucesivamente … Es incluso capaz de mostrar el contenido de las carpetas en su disco duro, que luego pueden ser manipuladas mediante arrastrar y soltar, como de costumbre. La plataforma hace posible tener una “limpia” y ordenada, de escritorio sin iconos en él en absoluto por tener Nexus última ocultar los iconos en el escritorio – iconos que se pueden acceder rápidamente a través de la pestaña Escritorio. Aquí en la plataforma también puede tener atajos de teclado asociados a ellos para hacer la plataforma al mismo tiempo pasa a primer plano y abierto, que la ficha particular.
Archivo Virtual de Apoyo del Sistema Le permite arrastrar objetos especiales Explorer, como elementos del Panel de Control y el icono Mi PC, en los muelles. Miniaturas del documento Documentos, fotos y archivos de vídeo arrastrado a un muelle se muestran como imágenes en miniatura para facilitar su identificación. Detrás de desenfoque Automáticamente desenfoca el fondo de los muelles semi-transparente (Vista y Windows 7 )
Añadir un programa o un documento a Nexus es tan fácil como arrastrar su icono hasta el dock: los demás se moverán automáticamente para dejarle espacio. Si activas las opciones pertinentes, Nexus convertirá en iconos las tareas abiertas, mostrando una miniatura cuando esté disponible.
Los efectos especiales de Nexus son impresionantes. Los iconos (vienen 125 iconos de alta calidad, aunque puedes poner otros) pueden aumentar de tamaño, rebotar, balancearse o brillar a la vez que se ven reflejados en el dock. Éste puede hacerse translúcido o líquido como una superficie de agua. Y los temas incluidos, aunque sean pocos, son todos de altísima calidad.
Por increíble que parezca, el consumo de recursos de Nexus es muy bajo, por debajo de los veinte megabytes cuando todos los efectos están activados. Si a este rendimiento unimos la cantidad de opciones y el soporte para múltiples monitores, podemos decir con total tranquilidad que nos hallamos ante uno de los mejores docks para Windows.
Nexus Ultimate v11.10 complete change log:
* Updated Polish language file.
* Updated Farsi language file.
* Added ‘Keep Shelf visible when pressing WIN+D (Show Desktop)’ setting to the Behavior tab of the Shelf Properties window.
* Vista/Windows 7: Added new ‘Start Flip3D’ internal command.
* Added customizable ‘Launch’ and ‘Attention’ effects to the dock.
* The Weather module now automatically falls back to the Google weather feed if the feed fails.
* The ‘Reset Tray Cache’ button in the Troubleshooting dialog now displays a confirmation dialog.
* Added new ‘Tray’ tab to Preferences to configure settings related to the system tray.
* System tray customization can now be disabled in the new Tray tab in Preferences to avoid wasting resources in case the user has no intention to customize tray icons.
* Added a secondary MSN Weather feed as backup.
* A sub-dock on the Shelf now opens automatically when dragging an item over the sub-dock icon.
* Added a setting (enabled by default) in the new Systray tab to automatically exclude system tray image caching for applications that generate more than 42 different tray images.
* Added a Tray Exclusion list to manually exclude applications from having their tray icons cached.
* The ‘Hide Dock Control Icon’ setting in the dock Contents tab wasn’t doing anything.
* The ‘Tab Properties’ dialog showed screen edge bump activation methods for that tab, which are not allowed.
* If the dock popup delay on mouseover was set to 0 ms it was almost impossible to get to the Windows Start Menu after clicking the ‘Show Start Menu’ internal command icon, as the Start Menu would immediately lose focus and disappear.
* Because some Windows services may *potentially* block the Winstep service for up to 30 seconds (and thus freeze the Winstep application relying on it), no calls are now made to the Winstep service for the first minute after Windows startup, to give the system time to ’settle down’.
* Collapsing a floating dock would stop the Nexus control icon animation.
* Animation settings for the Nexus control icon were not being used or saved.
* License keys could be rejected as invalid if the user used a registration name so long that it caused the license key to exceed the size of the buffer allocated for it in memory. This has been fixed by doubling the size of the buffer.
* A maximized Chrome window acted as a full screen window when appearing on a secondary monitor or if the taskbar was hidden. This would automatically and temporarily disable all edge bump activation methods, a feature implemented to prevent users from being accidentaly dumped into the desktop when playing full screen games.
* Disabling the Shelf could cause the application to crash when exiting Preferences.
* Fixed some z-order problems with in-Shelf sub-docks and drag & drop.
* Updated Polish language file.
* Updated Farsi language file.
* Added ‘Keep Shelf visible when pressing WIN+D (Show Desktop)’ setting to the Behavior tab of the Shelf Properties window.
* Vista/Windows 7: Added new ‘Start Flip3D’ internal command.
* Added customizable ‘Launch’ and ‘Attention’ effects to the dock.
* The Weather module now automatically falls back to the Google weather feed if the feed fails.
* The ‘Reset Tray Cache’ button in the Troubleshooting dialog now displays a confirmation dialog.
* Added new ‘Tray’ tab to Preferences to configure settings related to the system tray.
* System tray customization can now be disabled in the new Tray tab in Preferences to avoid wasting resources in case the user has no intention to customize tray icons.
* Added a secondary MSN Weather feed as backup.
* A sub-dock on the Shelf now opens automatically when dragging an item over the sub-dock icon.
* Added a setting (enabled by default) in the new Systray tab to automatically exclude system tray image caching for applications that generate more than 42 different tray images.
* Added a Tray Exclusion list to manually exclude applications from having their tray icons cached.
* The ‘Hide Dock Control Icon’ setting in the dock Contents tab wasn’t doing anything.
* The ‘Tab Properties’ dialog showed screen edge bump activation methods for that tab, which are not allowed.
* If the dock popup delay on mouseover was set to 0 ms it was almost impossible to get to the Windows Start Menu after clicking the ‘Show Start Menu’ internal command icon, as the Start Menu would immediately lose focus and disappear.
* Because some Windows services may *potentially* block the Winstep service for up to 30 seconds (and thus freeze the Winstep application relying on it), no calls are now made to the Winstep service for the first minute after Windows startup, to give the system time to ’settle down’.
* Collapsing a floating dock would stop the Nexus control icon animation.
* Animation settings for the Nexus control icon were not being used or saved.
* License keys could be rejected as invalid if the user used a registration name so long that it caused the license key to exceed the size of the buffer allocated for it in memory. This has been fixed by doubling the size of the buffer.
* A maximized Chrome window acted as a full screen window when appearing on a secondary monitor or if the taskbar was hidden. This would automatically and temporarily disable all edge bump activation methods, a feature implemented to prevent users from being accidentaly dumped into the desktop when playing full screen games.
* Disabling the Shelf could cause the application to crash when exiting Preferences.
* Fixed some z-order problems with in-Shelf sub-docks and drag & drop.
OS: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
FECHA DE SALIDA: 7.12.2011
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